Sunday 7 January 2018

My 2017 objectives - How did i do?

In January 2017, I set myself 8 objectives for the year. Let’s see how I got on…

1 Hit my fitbit target (10,000 steps per day) 90% of the time
I like my fitbit. It does provide motivation to get out of the house and get some exercise, especially on days when I’m feeling lazy (aka most Sundays!). It also has an app for your phone so you can check the historic data really easily. Here are the number of days in each month that I hit my target:

Jan 28/31 - 90.3%
Feb 28/28 - 100%
Mar 27/31 - 87.1%
Apr 28/30 - 93.3%
May 29/31 - 93.5%
Jun 26/30 - 86.7%
Jul 28/31 - 90.3
Aug 27/31 - 87.1
Sep 27/30 - 90.0
Oct 28/31 - 90.3
Nov 27/30 - 90.0
Dec 26/31 - 83.9

Total 329/365 - 90.1%

Objective achieved (just)! The dogs also benefited from me extending their evening walk just to hit the daily target!

2 Lose 5kg (~11 lbs)
I was quite careful not to say how much I weighed in January but losing 5kg would take me below a symbolic round number of kilograms. I weigh myself when I’m at the gym which pretty much most weeks of the year. Looking at the data, I lost weight in January and February, and managed to achieve my target by the end of March (go me!). My weight then pretty well stayed the same for the rest of the year. I’d put a bit on during a holiday but would lose it again soon afterwards. By the end of the year I had lost 5.4kg so objective achieved!

In March I started a secondment at work that lasted the rest of the year (and into 2018). I am enjoying the new job but it has definitely coincided with me going to the gym much less often. For the last two years I would mostly go three times a week (and it showed in my weight and fitness). By the end of the year I was managing once a week. I do miss it so I think I will try to up my attendance again…

3 Run 5k in a race
I have run quite a few 5kms on a running machine but not in anything I could call a race – so objective not achieved. I have managed to get my personal best down to 27min 34s which I am quite proud of so it’s not all bad!

4 Go to at least two Lib Dem meetings
I wanted to be a bit more politically engaged but wanted to be realistic about my normal motivation to go to evening meetings after a long day at work. I did manage to make it to a local party meeting in February and the Social Liberal Forum (SLF) conference in July so it’s another objective achieved!

5 Deliver leaflets for someone standing for election
In January 2017, my plan was to do some deliveries for local candidates standing in the County Council elections in May. Theresa May then decided to hold an early General Election In June so the campaigning got a bit mixed up. I managed at least three sets of deliveries (I wasn’t good at recording when I did so it is a bit of a blur!). I do enjoy delivering leaflets – I get some exercise, get to know my local area better, and get to be nosey about other people’s front gardens. Objective achieved!

6 Get paid by 6 people to give them a massage
I didn’t plan how or when I would do this so it is not surprising that I didn’t massage anyone in 2017, let alone get paid for doing so - objective not achieved. I did enjoy massaging people and could definitely do with some extra cash so keep an eye out for this in 2018!

7 Write 6 blog posts (that are not just News You Might Have Missed)
My blogging had basically turned into posting monthly news round-ups so I wanted to express myself more. I did manage to post four posts in February about my LGBT heroes as part of LGBT history month:
And then one post in July about the SLF conference:
If you throw in my original post about my 2017 objectives then that is six blog posts so I will call that objective technically achieved!

8 Go to one genealogy-related event
I had wanted to kick-start my genealogy hobby by going to a real world event but I never really planned anything so the objective was not achieved. I did invest in the Roots Magic software and did do some more online genealogy but that wasn’t quite what I had hoped to do.


So I managed to achieve 5 of my 8 objectives. My main lesson learnt was that it isn’t enough to just set an objective for the year. I need to follow each objective up with a plan and then monitor my progress. That is hardly a revelation as I have had project management training but I find it easier to do in a work context rather than in my personal life. So now I just need to come up with my 2018 objectives…

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